

I have been needing to take a self portrait for a long time, so I finally made the time for it a little bit ago. I find the whole process very therapeutic.


Beyond Beads Boutique - October 2014

     Yesterday afternoon I had the extreme pleasure of photographing Charlee and Trista for Beyond Beads Boutique. We drove up to the Flattop Trailhead (a classic location as far as Anchorage spots go) together and these two toughed out the chilly weather. I could not have been happier that it wasn't raining, because it was pouring and sprinkling all day Saturday. I love wide landscape shots, and really couldn't get over how gorgeous my models looked in these fall colors (current obsession: browns and burgundies). And I have to point out that the second I saw Trista, all I could think was "wow she looks A LOT like Olivia Wilde." Thanks to Deb (my amazing boss <3) for the wardrobe/styling/fun and thanks to these two stunning girls for being the faces of the new and improved Beyond Beads Boutique!